1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主要産業動向
5 食品・飲料用空気ろ過の世界市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場パフォーマンス
5.3 COVID-19の影響
5.4 市場予測
6 製品別市場構成
6.1 集塵機
6.1.1 市場動向
6.1.2 市場予測
6.2 ミスト集塵機
6.2.1 市場動向
6.2.2 市場予測
6.3 カートリッジコレクター
6.3.1 市場動向
6.3.2 市場予測
6.4 HEPAフィルター
6.4.1 市場動向
6.4.2 市場予測
6.5 バッグハウスフィルター
6.5.1 市場動向
6.5.2 市場予測
7 用途別市場
7.1 食品・原料
7.1.1 市場動向
7.1.2 市場予測
7.2 乳製品
7.2.1 市場動向
7.2.2 市場予測
7.3 ボトル入り飲料水
7.3.1 市場動向
7.3.2 市場予測
7.4 その他
7.4.1 市場動向
7.4.2 市場予測
8 地域別市場内訳
8.1 北米
8.1.1 米国 市場動向 市場予測
8.1.2 カナダ 市場動向 市場予測
8.2 アジア太平洋
8.2.1 中国 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.2 日本 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.3 インド 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.4 韓国 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.5 オーストラリア 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.6 インドネシア 市場動向 市場予測
8.2.7 その他 市場動向 市場予測
8.3 欧州
8.3.1 ドイツ 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.2 フランス 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.3 イギリス 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.4 イタリア 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.5 スペイン 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.6 ロシア 市場動向 市場予測
8.3.7 その他 市場動向 市場予測
8.4 中南米
8.4.1 ブラジル 市場動向 市場予測
8.4.2 メキシコ 市場動向 市場予測
8.4.3 その他 市場動向 市場予測
8.5 中東・アフリカ
8.5.1 市場動向
8.5.2 国別市場内訳
8.5.3 市場予測
9 推進要因、阻害要因、機会
9.1 概要
9.2 推進要因
9.3 阻害要因
9.4 機会
10 バリューチェーン分析
11 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
11.1 概要
11.2 買い手の交渉力
11.3 供給者の交渉力
11.4 競争の程度
11.5 新規参入の脅威
11.6 代替品の脅威
12 価格分析
13 競争環境
13.1 市場構造
13.2 主要プレーヤー
13.3 主要プレーヤーのプロフィール
13.3.1 3M社 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.2 エアフィルター社 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.3 カムフィルグループ 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.4 ドナルドソン社 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.5 Freudenberg Filtration Technologies GmbH & Co.KG 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.6 コッホフィルター 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.7 マン+フンメルグルッペ 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.8 ノルディック・エア・フィルトレーション 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.9 ポール・コーポレーション 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
13.3.10 パーカー・ハニフィン・コーポレーション 会社概要 製品ポートフォリオ
図8: 世界:食品・飲料用空気ろ過(集塵機)市場の予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 20: 世界:食品・飲料用空気ろ過(乳製品)の世界市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図21: 世界:食品・飲料用空気ろ過(ボトル入り飲料水)市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年・2024年
図 26:北米:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 27:米国:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場:2025年~2033年食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 28:アメリカ合衆国: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 30:カナダ:食品と飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 33:中国:食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 35:日本:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 37:インド: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 38:インド:食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 39:韓国: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 40:韓国:食品と飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 41:オーストラリア: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 42:オーストラリア: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図43:インドネシア: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 45:その他:食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 46:その他:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 47:ヨーロッパ: その他食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 48:ヨーロッパ:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 49:ドイツ:食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2025年~2033年食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 50: ドイツ:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 51:フランス:食品&飲料用空気ろ過器市場予測食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 52:フランス:食品と飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 53:イギリス: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 54:イギリス: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 55:イタリア:食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 56:イタリア:食品と飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 57:スペイン:食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 58:スペインの食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 59:ロシア: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 60: ロシア:食品&飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 61:その他:食品&飲料用空気ろ過の市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 62:その他:食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 63:ラテンアメリカ:食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 64:中南米: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 65:ブラジル:食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 66:ブラジル:食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 67:メキシコ: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2025-2033食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 68:メキシコ: 食品 & 飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測: 2019年および2024年食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 69:その他の市場食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 70:その他:その他食品・飲料用空気ろ過の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 71:中東およびアフリカ:食品&飲料用空気ろ過市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 72:中東およびアフリカ:食品・飲料用空気ろ過市場:国別内訳(%)、2024年
図 75:世界:食品と飲料用空気ろ過業界:バリューチェーン分析
図 76:世界の食品・飲料用空気ろ過業界:ポーターのファイブフォース分析
The global food & beverage air filtration market size reached USD 1.4 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 2.3 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.39% during 2025-2033. The market is driven by the implementation of stringent regulatory standards, rapid technological advancements, growing demand for processed foods, increasing awareness about indoor air quality (IAQ), and the rising complexities of globalized supply chains, leading to a heightened focus on advanced filtration solutions.
Food & Beverage Air Filtration Market Analysis:
Market Growth and Size: The market is witnessing stable growth, driven by the increasing demand for food safety and quality, rapid technological advancements, and the implementation of stringent regulatory standards.
Major Market Drivers: Key drivers influencing the market growth include the imposition of stringent regulatory compliance, rising consumer demand for processed and packaged foods, and increasing awareness about indoor air quality in production facilities.
Key Market Trends: The key market trends involve rapid technological innovation, such as the integration of smart technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) for real-time air quality monitoring. Additionally, the growing inclination towards eco-friendly and energy-efficient air filtration systems is bolstering the market growth.
Geographical Trends: North America leads the market due to its advanced food processing industry, stringent regulatory standards, and high consumer awareness regarding food safety and quality. Other regions are also showing significant growth, fueled by the implementation of stringent regulations and expanding food processing industries.
Competitive Landscape: The market is characterized by the increasing investment in research and development (R&D) to innovate and improve filtration technologies. Furthermore, companies are engaging in strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions to expand their market presence and meet diverse customer needs.
Challenges and Opportunities: The market faces various challenges, such as varying regional regulatory standards and the need for continuous technological advancements. However, the development of filtration systems tailored for specific regional needs and rising expansion into emerging markets with growing food processing sectors, is creating new opportunities for the market growth.
Food & Beverage Air Filtration Market Trends:
Implementation of regulatory compliance and safety standards
The heightened regulatory compliance in the food and beverage (F&B) industry to ensure product safety and quality is one of the major factors boosting the market growth. In line with this, the increasing adoption of air filtration systems for maintaining a contamination-free environment is boosting the market growth. Air filtration systems filter out harmful particles, bacteria, and other contaminants that can affect food safety. Along with this, the widespread product adoption by companies to avoid costly recalls and reputational damage is providing a thrust to the market growth. In addition to this, the rising awareness about food safety among consumers ispropelling the need for effective air filtration, as consumers prefer products that are manufactured in facilities adhering to high hygiene standards, is anticipated to drive the market growth.
Rapid technological advancements
The introduction of modern filtration technologies, such as high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and activated carbon filters that offer higher efficiency in removing contaminants compared to traditional systems, is acting as a growth-inducing factor. In line with this, the widespread adoption of advanced systems that are capable of filtering out smaller particles, including allergens and pathogens, in the F&B industry is boosting the market growth. Moreover, the widespread integration of smart technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) in air filtration systems that allow for real-time monitoring and control to enhance efficiency and ensure continuous compliance with air quality standards is providing a considerable boost to the market growth. Furthermore, the development of eco-friendly and sustainable filtration materials that align with the growing environmental consciousness within the industry is driving the market growth.
Increasing demand for processed and packaged food
The rising demand for processed and packaged foods, prompting the need for effective air filtration in production facilities, is providing a considerable boost to the market growth. In line with this, the increasing consumption of processed food, compelling manufacturers to scale up production while maintaining product quality and safety, is favoring the market growth. Additionally, the widespread adoption of enhanced air filtration systems to handle the increased output and prevent contamination during processing and packaging is strengthening the market growth. Moreover, the heightened trend of convenience eating, coupled with the fast-paced lifestyle of consumers, leading to a surge in the use of ready-to-eat (RTE) and packaged foods, is bolstering the market growth.
Growing concerns regarding indoor air quality (IAQ)
The growing awareness about indoor air quality in manufacturing and processing environments, including the F&B industry, is one of the major factors stimulating the market growth. In line with this, the heightened concerns regarding airborne contaminants like dust, mold, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that originate from various sources within a facility are providing an impetus to the market growth. The implementation of air filtration systems helps to maintain optimal IAQ, thus ensuring a safer working environment and better product quality. In addition to this, the integration of smart technology in air filtration systems that automatically adjust filtration levels based on real-time air quality readings, ensuring optimal conditions, is boosting the market growth.
Increasing globalization of food supply chains
The rising globalization of food supply chains that expands the geographic reach of F&B companies, prompting the need for adherence to various international standards and regulations, is anticipated to drive the market growth. Additionally, the increasing competition among F&B manufacturers, compelling them to invest in high-quality air filtration systems to maintain product integrity and gain consumer trust, is providing a thrust to the market growth. Moreover, the heightened complexity of global supply chains, boosting the risk of cross-contamination due to the extensive transportation and storage processes, is acting as a growth-inducing factor. Air filtration systems in production and storage facilities can mitigate contamination risks by maintaining a controlled environment, thereby preserving the integrity of food products throughout the supply chain.
Food & Beverage Air Filtration Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on product and application.
Breakup by Product:
Dust Collector
Mist Collector
Cartridge Collector
HEPA Filter
Baghouse Filter
Dust collector accounts for the majority of the market share
The report has also provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the food & beverage air filtration market based on the product. This includes dust collector, mist collector, cartridge collector, HEPA filter, and baghouse filter. According to the report, dust collector represented the largest segment.
Dust collectors represent the largest segment in the market due to their efficiency in controlling airborne particulate matter. They are essential in milling or baking applications where food processing generates substantial dust. Moreover, dust collectors help in trapping airborne particles, thus preventing contamination of food products and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. Besides this, the widespread adoption of dust collectors owing to their versatility in handling various types of dust and their effectiveness in improving air quality, is boosting the market growth. Additionally, rapid advancements in dust collector technology, including improved filter materials and automated cleaning systems that enhance their efficiency and operational lifespan, are favoring the market growth.
Mist collectors are crucial in cooking or beverage production, where processes generate oil or water mist. They are designed to capture and filter mist particles from the air, thus preventing slip hazards, protecting equipment from corrosion, and ensuring a clean working environment. Mist collectors are important for maintaining indoor air quality, protecting worker health, and prolonging the life of machinery by reducing moisture-related deterioration.
Cartridge collectors are utilized for capturing fine dust particles and are known for their compact design and efficiency. They employ a pleated filter design, offering a large surface area for filtration within a smaller footprint. Moreover, cartridge collectors find application in facilities where high-quality air filtration is necessary,
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are critical in settings that require extremely clean air, such as in the production of beverages and high-quality food products. They are capable of trapping almost all particles, making them highly effective against bacteria, viruses, and very fine dust particles. Additionally, HEPA filters are essential in maintaining stringent cleanliness standards in sensitive production areas, thereby ensuring the safety and quality of food and beverage (F&B) products.
Baghouse filters are employed in various stages of food production for their ability to handle high volumes of dust. They utilize long, cylindrical bags made of woven or felted fabric as a filter medium. Baghouse filters are known for their durability and are suitable for applications where large volumes of dust are generated, such as in grain processing or spice grinding.
Breakup by Application:
Food and Ingredients
Bottled Water
Food and ingredients hold the largest share in the industry
A detailed breakup and analysis of the food & beverage air filtration market based on the application has also been provided in the report. This includes food and ingredients, dairy, bottled water, and others. According to the report, food and ingredients accounted for the largest market share.
Food and ingredients represent the largest market share due to the diverse range of processes and environments within this category that require specific air filtration solutions. It includes the milling of grains and the processing of spices, nuts, and dry ingredients. Air filtration systems are vital for maintaining product purity, preventing cross-contamination, and ensuring compliance with food safety standards. Additionally, the growing consumer demand for high-quality and safe food products, encouraging manufacturers to invest in advanced filtration technologies, is boosting the market growth. Moreover, the increasing popularity of custom solutions designed to address unique challenges in different food processing environments is creating a positive outlook for the market growth.
The dairy sector utilizes air filtration systems to ensure the quality of products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. Moreover, dairy processing involves steps that can be susceptible to airborne contamination, prompting the use of air filtration systems to remove contaminants that can spoil the product or affect its taste.
Bottled water employs air filtration to ensure the purity and safety of the water during the bottling process, which requires a contaminant-free environment to prevent any airborne impurities from compromising the quality of the water. Air filtration systems in bottled water facilities are specifically designed to remove particulates, microbial contaminants, and even odors from the air, ensuring that the water remains pure from the point of filtration to bottling.
Breakup by Region:
North America
United States
Asia Pacific
South Korea
United Kingdom
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
North America leads the market, accounting for the largest food & beverage air filtration market share
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share.
North America holds the largest share in the market due to its advanced food processing industry, stringent regulatory standards, and high consumer awareness regarding food safety and quality. Moreover, the well-established F&B industry in the region, with a strong focus on hygiene and quality control that necessitates the use of advanced air filtration systems, is favoring the market growth. Additionally, the presence of major air filtration manufacturers and technological innovators in the region is fueling the market growth. In addition to this, the ongoing shift towards clean eating and the heightened demand for high-quality processed foods in this region is supporting the market growth.
The Asia Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the market, driven by the expanding food processing industry, coupled with increasing urbanization and rising disposable incomes. Furthermore, the growing awareness about food safety among consumers in the region, contributing to the demand for effective air filtration solutions, is enhancing the market growth.
Europe's food and beverage air filtration market is characterized by its adherence to strict food safety and quality regulations. Along with this, the well-developed food and beverage (F&B) industry in the region, encouraging the demand for high-quality air filtration systems is fueling the market growth. Besides this, the region's focus on environmental sustainability, leading to a preference for energy-efficient and eco-friendly filtration technologies, is supporting the market growth.
The food and beverage air filtration market in Latin America is expanding, driven by the increasing industrialization of the food processing sector and improving economic conditions. Moreover, the rising demand for processed foods, increasing the need for effective air filtration systems, is favoring the market growth.
The Middle East and Africa region is witnessing a gradual growth in the food and beverage air filtration market due to the development of the food processing industry, rapid urbanization, and rising standards of living in the region. In addition to this, the increasing awareness about food safety and the growing need to comply with global food quality standards are providing a thrust to the market growth.
Leading Key Players in the Food & Beverage Air Filtration Industry:
Key players are engaging in various strategies to strengthen their market position and respond to the evolving demands of the industry. They are heavily investing in research and development (R&D) to innovate and improve air filtration technologies that focus on enhancing efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and extending the lifespan of filtration systems. Moreover, major companies are integrating smart technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities into their products to enable continuous monitoring and control of air quality. Additionally, they are expanding their product portfolios to include eco-friendly and sustainable filtration solutions, aligning with the global shift towards environmental consciousness.
The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:
3M Company
Air Filters, Inc.
Camfil Group
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Koch Filter
Mann+Hummel Gruppe
Nordic Air Filtration
Pall Corporation
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
Key Questions Answered in This Report
1. What was the size of the global food & beverage air filtration market in 2024?
2. What is the expected growth rate of the global food & beverage air filtration market during 2025-2033?
3. What are the key factors driving the global food & beverage air filtration market?
4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global food & beverage air filtration market?
5. What is the breakup of the global food & beverage air filtration market based on the product?
6. What is the breakup of the global food & beverage air filtration market based on the application?
7. What are the key regions in the global food & beverage air filtration market?
8. Who are the key players/companies in the global food & beverage air filtration market?