1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 エグゼクティブサマリー
4 ホームオートメーション市場
4.1 概要
4.2 SWOT分析
4.2.1 概要
4.2.2 強み
4.2.3 弱点
4.2.4 機会
4.2.5 脅威
4.3 バリューチェーン分析
4.3.1 製品メーカー
4.3.2 ディーラー/ディストリビューター
4.3.3 コンサルタント/アーキテクト
4.3.4 システムインテグレーター
4.3.5 電気工事業者
4.3.6 エンドユーザー
4.4 ホームオートメーションシステム市場における魅力的な機会
4.5 ポーターのファイブ・フォース・モデル
4.5.1 新規参入者の脅威
4.5.2 代替品の脅威
4.5.3 サプライヤーの交渉力
4.5.4 買い手の交渉力
4.5.5 競争ライバルの激しさ
5 市場ダイナミクス
5.1 推進要因
5.2 課題
6 ホームオートメーション市場
6.1 市場パフォーマンス
6.1.1 数量動向
6.1.2 金額動向
6.2 COVID-19の影響
6.3 アプリケーション別市場構成
6.4 タイプ別市場構成
6.5 地域別市場構成比
7 ホームオートメーション市場アプリケーション別実績
7.1 照明制御
7.1.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
7.1.2 地域別市場内訳
7.1.3 市場展望
7.2 セキュリティとアクセス制御
7.2.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
7.2.2 地域別市場内訳
7.2.3 市場展望
7.3 HVACコントロール
7.3.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
7.3.2 地域別市場構成比
7.3.3 市場展望
7.4 エンターテインメントとその他の制御
7.4.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
7.4.2 地域別市場内訳
7.4.3 市場展望
8 ホームオートメーションシステム市場タイプ別パフォーマンス
8.1 マネージド・ホームオートメーションシステム
8.1.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
8.1.2 市場展望
8.2 主流ホームオートメーションシステム
8.2.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
8.2.2 市場展望
8.3 DIY(DIY)ホームオートメーションシステム
8.3.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
8.3.2 市場展望
8.4 高級(カスタム)ホームオートメーションシステム
8.4.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
8.4.2 市場展望
9 ホームオートメーションシステム市場地域別パフォーマンス
9.1 北米
9.1.1 過去と現在の市場動向
9.1.2 国別市場内訳
9.1.3 用途別市場構成比
9.1.4 照明制御 過去と現在の市場動向 市場展望
9.1.5 セキュリティとアクセス制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.1.6 HVACコントロール 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.1.7 エンターテインメントとその他の制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.1.8 市場展望
9.2 欧州
9.2.1 過去と現在の市場動向
9.2.2 国別市場内訳
9.2.3 用途別市場区分
9.2.4 照明制御 過去と現在の市場動向 市場展望
9.2.5 セキュリティとアクセス制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.2.6 HVACコントロール 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.2.7 エンターテインメントとその他の制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.2.8 市場展望
9.3 アジア
9.3.1 過去と現在の市場動向
9.3.2 国別市場内訳
9.3.3 アプリケーション別市場区分
9.3.4 照明制御 過去と現在の市場動向 市場展望
9.3.5 セキュリティとアクセス制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.3.6 HVACコントロール 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.3.7 エンターテインメントとその他の制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.3.8 市場展望
9.4 その他の地域
9.4.1 過去と現在の市場動向
9.4.2 国別市場内訳
9.4.3 用途別市場区分
9.4.4 照明制御システム 過去と現在の市場動向 市場展望
9.4.5 セキュリティとアクセス制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.4.6 HVACコントロール 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.4.7 エンターテインメントとその他の制御 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向 市場展望
9.4.8 市場展望
10 競争環境
10.1 概要
10.2 競合の状況と発展
11 企業プロフィール
11.1 シーメンスAG
11.1.1 提供製品
11.1.2 財務概要
11.2 ハネウェル・インターナショナル
11.2.1 提供製品
11.2.2 財務概要
11.3 ジョンソンコントロールズ
11.3.1 提供製品
11.3.2 財務概要
11.4 シュナイダーエレクトリックSE
11.4.1 提供製品
11.4.2 財務概要
11.5 ルグラン
11.5.1 取扱製品
11.5.2 財務概要
11.6 インガソール・ランド PLC
11.6.1 取扱製品
11.6.2 財務概要
11.7 ABB Ltd.
11.7.1 取扱製品
11.7.2 財務概要
11.8 アキュイティ・ブランズ社
11.8.1 取扱製品
11.8.2 財務概要
11.9 サムスン電子
11.9.1 取扱製品
11.9.2 財務概要
図 39:北米:セキュリティとアクセスコントロール市場:2025-2033年セキュリティとアクセス制御市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図 48:欧州:照明制御市場の予測:2024年照明制御市場の予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図60: アジア:照明制御市場の予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 70:ROW:照明制御市場照明制御市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図71:ROW:照明制御市場予測: 2019-2024照明制御市場の予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 72:ROW:セキュリティとアクセスコントロール市場セキュリティとアクセス制御市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図73:ROW:セキュリティとアクセスコントロール市場予測: 2019-2024セキュリティとアクセスコントロール市場予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 74:ROW:HVAC(暖房、換気、空調)制御市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図 76:ROW:エンターテインメント(家庭用オーディオ・ビデオ)制御市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図 78:ROW:ホームオートメーションシステムの市場予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図80: シーメンスAG: 売上額(単位:億米ドル)
図 81:シーメンスAG: 地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 82: ハネウェル・インターナショナル, Inc:部門別売上高内訳(%)
図 83: ハネウェル・インターナショナル:財務データ
図 84:ハネウェル・インターナショナルInc:地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 85:ジョンソンコントロールズ, Inc:部門別売上高内訳(%)
図86: ジョンソンコントロールズ(株):売上高(単位:億米ドル)
図 87:ジョンソンコントロールズ:地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 88: シュナイダーエレクトリック SE: 部門別売上高内訳(%)
図 89: シュナイダーエレクトリック SE: 売上高(単位:億米ドル)
図 90:シュナイダーエレクトリック SE: 地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 91: Legrand S.A: 売上高(単位:億米ドル)
図 92:Legrand S.A:地域別売上高構成比(%)
図 93: インガソール・ランド PLC:部門別売上高内訳(%)
図 94:Ingersoll-Rand PLC: 売上高(億米ドル)
図 95:Ingersoll-Rand PLC:地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 96:ABB Ltd: 部門別売上高内訳(%)
図 97:ABB Ltd.:売上高(単位:億米ドル)
図 98:ABB Ltd: 地域別売上高内訳(%)
図99:Acuity Brands, Inc:部門別売上高内訳(%)
図 100: Acuity Brands, Inc:売上高(単位:億米ドル)
図101: Acuity Brands, Inc:地域別売上高内訳(%)
図 102: Ingersoll-Rand PLC:部門別売上高内訳(%)
図103: Legrand S.A: 地域別売上構成比(%), 2024年
図 104: Samsung Electronics Co:部門別売上高構成比(%)
図 105: サムスン電子(株): 売上高(億米ドル)
図 106: Samsung Electronics Co:地域別売上高内訳(%)
表9: シーメンスAG: 財務データ
表11: Johnson Controls Inc:財務データ
表12: Schneider Electric SE: 財務データ
表13: Legrand S.A: 財務データ
表14: Ingersoll-Rand PLC:財務データ
表15: ABB Ltd: 財務データ
表16: Acuity Brands, Inc:財務データ
表17: Samsung Electronics Co:財務データ
The global home automation system market size reached USD 87.8 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 162.5 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 6.99% during 2025-2033. The rising security concerns among homeowners, along with the emerging IoT applications, are bolstering the market.
A home automation system is that allows remote or automatic control of numerous devices and systems. It uses integrated communication technology to connect appliances, lighting, heating, cooling, and security systems. It centralizes control, and allows homeowners to manage these aspects effortlessly through a smartphone, tablet, or computer, even when away from home. It offer enhanced convenience, energy efficiency, and security. For instance, users can adjust the thermostat remotely to save energy, set automated lighting schedules to deter burglars, or even receive real-time alerts about potential security breaches. Additionally, these systems often incorporate sensors and smart devices that contribute to a smarter living environment.
The market is primarily driven by the increasing awareness about the benefits of home automation systems. In addition, the low costs of smart devices and systems have made these technologies more accessible to numerous consumers, thus influencing the market growth. Moreover, several technological advancements, including the Internet of Things and artificial Intelligence allow seamless integration and control of various home devices through centralized platforms, making it easier for homeowners to manage their living spaces remotely, representing another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, the incorporation of entertainment devices such as smart televisions (TVs), audio systems, and streaming services, creates immersive home entertainment experiences that can be controlled with a single device, thus accelerating the market growth. Along with this, the increasing product use for home security and surveillance offers features such as smart locks, doorbell cameras, and motion sensors that provide real-time alerts and remote monitoring, enhancing the security of the property is propelling the market growth.
Home Automation System Market Trends/Drivers:
The growing home security concerns among homeowners
The market is driven by the rising home security concerns among homeowners. In addition, rapid urbanization, changing demographics, and evolving lifestyles are increasing the need for enhanced home security solutions, thus augmenting the market growth. Moreover, the growing prevalence of break-ins, thefts, and property-related crimes is driving a sense of vulnerability among homeowners and encouraging them to seek sophisticated technologies that empower them to monitor and secure their homes remotely representing another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, the system allows homeowners to remotely control surveillance cameras, door locks, alarm systems, and motion sensors, thus accelerating the market growth. These systems can analyze patterns, detect anomalies, and learn from user behavior to predict potential security breaches. This predictive capability empowers homeowners to take pre-emptive action and fortify their homes against potential threats.
The emerging advancements in the Internet of Things technology
The market is driven by the rapid emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In addition, the integration of IoT technology in home automation systems empowers individuals to control and monitor various aspects of their homes remotely, thus influencing market growth. Also, smart devices equipped with sensors and connectivity capabilities allow homeowners to manage lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment through smartphones which offers convenience and energy efficiency, contributing to a more sustainable and comfortable lifestyle. Moreover, IoT advancements in interconnected devices ranging from smart thermostats to security cameras, collaborate to create a harmonized living environment that adapts to residents' preferences and schedules representing another major growth-inducing factor. It also enhances user experience, and streamlines energy consumption, leading to reduced utility bills and a lower environmental footprint.
The incorporation of home automation systems with voice assistants
Voice assistants, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) are emerging as central components of modern automation systems. In addition, it allows users to control various aspects of their homes simply by using verbal commands thus augmenting the market growth. Lights, thermostats, security cameras, and even household appliances can be managed through voice-activated instructions. Moreover, the incorporation of home automation systems with popular voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri are simplifying control and interaction providing an intuitive way for users to manage their smart devices, thus representing another major growth-inducing factor. Besides this, voice assistants create a natural interaction between humans and technology, eliminating the need for manual control interfaces and enabling effortless control thus accelerating the sales demand. Furthermore, individuals can optimize energy consumption by adjusting settings through voice commands, reducing wastage, and contributing to sustainable living.
Home Automation System Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global home automation system market report, along with forecasts at the global, and regional levels for 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on application and type.
Breakup by Application:
• Lighting control
• Security and access control
• HVAC control
• Entertainment and other controls
Entertainment and other controls hold the largest share of the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the application have also been provided in the report. This includes lighting control, security and access control, HVAC control, and entertainment and other controls. According to the report, entertainment and other controls accounted for the largest market share.
The entertainment market is driven by individuals seeking seamless integration of audio, visual, and multimedia components. In addition, the simple touch or voice command allow individuals to orchestrate their home theater systems, music libraries, and even gaming consoles, providing a cohesive and immersive entertainment experience, thus influencing the market growth. This level of convenience fosters an environment of relaxation and enjoyment, aligning perfectly with the needs of contemporary consumers.
Moreover, other control market includes a spectrum of functionalities such as lighting, security, climate, and appliance management with an ability to remotely adjust lighting intensity, monitor security cameras, regulate indoor temperatures, and control appliances via smartphone apps or voice assistants resulting in a sense of empowerment to homeowners, thus representing another major growth-inducing factor. They can optimize energy consumption, enhance security measures, and streamline daily routines with unmatched ease.
Breakup by Type:
• Luxury (Custom)
• Mainstream
• DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
• Managed
Managed home automation system presently accounts for the largest market share
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type has also been provided in the report. This includes luxury (custom), mainstream, DIY (do-it-yourself), and managed. According to the report, managed home automation system accounted for the largest market share.
The managed home automation market is driven due to centralized control mechanisms. They enable users to effortlessly manage and monitor various aspects of their homes, such as lighting, security, climate, and entertainment, all from a single platform which resonates with consumers seeking streamlined solutions that enhance their daily lives.
Moreover, Managed systems often incorporate advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to empower the systems to adapt and learn from user preferences, thereby refining automation routines for optimal efficiency and comfort.
Furthermore, the proliferation of managed home automation driven by its robust security feature. Also, the increasing concerns about digital privacy and cybersecurity, allow users to shift toward solutions that offer fortified protection against potential threats, prioritize data encryption, secure authentication, and continuous monitoring, assuring users of a protective living environment, thus propelling the market growth.
Breakup by Region:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia
• Rest of the world
Asia exhibits a clear dominance in the market
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the world. According to the report, Asia accounted for the largest market share.
The Asia market is driven by rapid urbanization and rising disposable incomes across many countries. In addition, the growing population, and the need for efficient and convenient living experiences are escalating the adoption of home automation systems, contributing significantly to market expansion.
Along with this, several advancements in technology, the easy availability of high-speed internet connectivity, the proliferation of connected devices, and increasing middle-class families inclined toward smart living are propelling the market growth. Furthermore, supportive government policies and initiatives promoting smart cities and sustainable living are further accelerating the adoption of home automation systems.
The North America market is driven by the well-established technological infrastructure and increasing consumer awareness. Moreover, a mature e-commerce ecosystem and a competitive landscape of tech companies are contributing to the proliferation of smart home solutions.
Besides this, the Europe market is driven by the rapid urbanization. In addition, countries with strong economies, such as Germany and the United Kingdom is witnessed substantial adoption due to rising disposable incomes, environmental consciousness, and several technological advancements.
Competitive Landscape:
Nowadays, key players in the market are implementing strategic initiatives to reinforce their positions and stay ahead in this competitive landscape. These actions encompass a range of measures aimed at innovation, customer engagement, partnerships, and market expansion. They are continuously investing in research and development (R&D) to introduce innovative features and functionalities including advancements in artificial intelligence, voice recognition, and integration with emerging technologies such as 5G and edge computing. Moreover, companies are recognizing the diversity of consumer preferences across regions and focusing on providing customizable solutions. Besides this, key players are investing in educational initiatives to increase awareness and understanding of home automation systems by providing informative content, tutorials, and demonstrations.
The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:
• Siemens AG
• Honeywell International, Inc.
• Johnson Controls, Inc.
• Schneider Electric SE
• Legrand SA
• Ingersoll-Rand PLC
• ABB Ltd.
• Acuity Brands, Inc.
• Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Key Questions Answered in This Report:
How has the global home automation system market performed so far, and how will it perform in the coming years?
What are the drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the global home automation system market?
What is the impact of each driver, restraint, and opportunity on the global home automation system market?
What are the key regional markets?
Which countries represent the most attractive home automation system market?
What is the breakup of the market based on the application?
Which is the most attractive application in the home automation system market?
What is the breakup of the market based on the type?
Which is the most attractive type in the home automation system market?
What is the competitive structure of the global home automation system market?
Who are the key players/companies in the global home automation system market?