1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 ステークホルダー
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 はじめに
3.1 概要
3.2 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
3.3 主要業界動向
4 世界の広告市場
4.1 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
4.2 各セグメントの業績
4.3 各地域のパフォーマンス
4.4 主要プレイヤーとその市場シェア
4.5 市場予測
5 世界の屋外広告市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 現在の市場動向と過去の市場動向
5.3 COVID-19の影響
5.4 地域別パフォーマンス
5.4.1 アジア 中国 日本 インド 韓国 その他
5.4.2 オーストラレーシア オーストラリア ニュージーランド その他
5.4.3 ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア スペイン ロシア その他
5.4.4 ラテンアメリカ ブラジル メキシコ その他
5.4.5 中東・アフリカ サウジアラビア UAE エジプト 南アフリカ その他
5.5 タイプ別市場
5.5.1 従来型屋外広告市場
5.5.2 デジタル屋外広告市場
5.6 セグメント別実績
5.6.1 ビルボード広告
5.6.2 交通広告
5.6.3 ストリートファニチャー広告
5.6.4 その他
5.7 業種別市場構成
5.8 市場予測
5.9 屋外広告の価格モデル
5.10 SWOT分析
5.10.1 概要
5.10.2 強み
5.10.3 弱点
5.10.4 機会
5.10.5 脅威
5.11 バリューチェーン分析
5.11.1 リサーチ
5.11.2 コンテンツ開発
5.11.3 広告代理店
5.11.4 屋外メディア(ビルボード、公共交通機関、ストリートファニチャーなど)
5.11.5 視聴者
5.12 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
5.12.1 サプライヤーの交渉力
5.12.2 買い手の交渉力
5.12.3 代替品の脅威
5.12.4 競争上のライバル関係
5.12.5 新規参入企業の脅威
5.13 主要課題
6 世界の屋外広告市場競争環境
6.1 市場構造
6.2 主要プレイヤーのプロファイル
図5 1:世界:広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図5 2:世界:広告市場:図5 2:広告市場の世界:セグメント別構成比(単位:%)、2024年
図5 3:世界:広告市場:図5 3:広告の世界市場:金額別地域別構成比(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図5 4:世界:広告市場:図5 4:広告市場の世界:地域別構成比(単位:%)、2024年
図5 5:世界:広告市場:図5:広告の世界市場:主要プレイヤーのシェア(%)、2024年
図5 6:広告の世界市場予測:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図5 7:世界:広告市場予測:図5 7:広告の世界市場予測:セグメント別構成比(単位:%)、2033年
図5 8:世界:広告市場の予測:地域別内訳(%)、2033年
図6 1:世界:屋外広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
図6 2:世界:屋外広告市場屋外広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル図6 2:屋外広告市場の地域別内訳(金額ベース)、2024年および2033年
図6 3:世界市場屋外広告の世界市場図6 3:屋外広告の世界市場:地域別構成比(%)、2024年
図6 4: アジア:アジア:屋外広告市場:アジア:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年、2024年
図6 5: アジア:アジア:屋外広告市場の予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 6: オーストラレーシア:オーストラレーシア:屋外広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 7: オーストラレーシア:屋外広告市場予測:2025年オーストラレーシア:屋外広告市場の予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 8: 欧州:ヨーロッパ:屋外広告市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 9: 欧州:屋外広告市場の予測:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 10: ラテンアメリカ:屋外広告市場:販売額(単位:億ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 11: ラテンアメリカ:ラテンアメリカ:屋外広告市場の予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 12: 中東・アフリカ:中東・アフリカ:屋外広告市場:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 13: 中東およびアフリカ:中東・アフリカ:屋外広告市場の予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 14: 世界:屋外広告市場:タイプ別構成比(単位:%)、2024年
図6 15:世界:従来の屋外広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 16: 伝統的屋外広告の世界市場予測:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 17:世界:デジタル屋外広告市場デジタル屋外広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 18:世界:デジタル屋外広告市場予測デジタル屋外広告市場の予測:販売額(単位:億ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 19:世界:屋外広告市場:セグメント別構成比(単位:%)、2024年
図6 20:世界:看板広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年、2024年
図6 21:看板広告の世界市場予測:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 22:交通広告の世界市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 23:交通広告の世界市場予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 24:ストリートファニチャー広告の世界市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 25:ストリートファニチャー広告の世界市場予測:販売額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 26:世界:その他広告市場その他広告市場:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図6 27:世界:その他広告市場その他広告市場の予測:売上金額(単位:億ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 28:世界:屋外広告市場屋外広告市場:業界別構成比(単位:%)、2024年
図6 29: 世界の屋外広告市場予測:2025-2033年屋外広告市場の予測:売上金額(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図6 30: 世界の屋外広告市場予測:2025-2033年屋外広告市場の予測:地域別構成比(単位:%)、2033年
図6 31: 世界の屋外広告市場予測:2025-2033年屋外広告市場の予測:図6 31:屋外広告の世界市場予測:セグメント別構成比(%)、2033年
図6 32: 世界の屋外広告市場:2033年屋外広告市場:SWOT分析
図6 33: 世界の屋外広告市場:SWOT分析屋外広告の世界市場:SWOT分析バリューチェーン分析
図6 34: 世界の屋外広告市場:バリューチェーン分析屋外広告市場:バリューチェーン分析ポーターのファイブフォース分析
表3 1:世界:広告市場:表3 1:世界:広告市場:各種セグメントの業績(単位:億米ドル)、2019年~2024年
表3 2:世界:広告市場予測:表3 2:世界:広告市場予測:各種セグメントの業績(単位:億米ドル)、2025年~2033年
The global outdoor advertising market size was valued at USD 41.00 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group estimates the market to reach USD 67.97 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.72% from 2025-2033. Asia currently dominates the market, holding a market share of over 34.5% in 2024. The market in the region is primarily driven by rapid urbanization, widespread smartphone penetration, and continuous advancements in digital technology.
Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, refers to the practice of using various advertising media and formats to convey promotional messages to a wide audience in outdoor or public spaces. It encompasses various advertising formats, including billboards, transit ads, street furniture ads, digital displays, and posters. It offers high frequency exposure to messages, which reinforces brand recall and message retention. It complements other advertising channels, such as television (TV), radio, and digital marketing, by providing a consistent brand presence across multiple touchpoints. It is widely used for promoting events, concerts, festivals, and sporting events.
The integration of mobile technologies with outdoor advertising, such as location-based mobile ads triggered by proximity to billboards, is enhancing the synergy between offline and online advertising channels. Apart from this, the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze audience data and optimize ad content and enable personalized messaging for different demographics and times of day, is favoring the market growth. In addition, advertisers are using real-time weather data to trigger relevant outdoor ads. Furthermore, the rising adoption of voice-activated technology is enabling consumers to engage with outdoor ads using voice commands and creating a more interactive and convenient experience.
Outdoor Advertising Market Trends/Drivers:
Digital transformation and programmatic advertising
The digital transformation of the outdoor advertising industry represents one of the key factors offering a favorable market outlook. Additionally, the integration of digital technology and data-driven decision-making into outdoor advertising campaigns is favoring the market growth. Apart from this, the widespread adoption of digital billboards and screens is revolutionizing outdoor advertising. These digital displays offer dynamic content that can be updated in real-time and enable advertisers to create more engaging and relevant campaigns. Furthermore, the development of quick read (QR) codes, near-field communication (NFC), and location-based technologies is influencing the market positively. Moreover, the increasing use of programmatic platforms to automate the buying and placement of outdoor ad space is driving the market.
Growing environmental concerns
The growing environmental concerns and the rising need to reduce the ecological footprint of the advertising industry is another major factor propelling the market growth. Additionally, the increasing adoption of eco-friendly materials and printing processes for billboards and outdoor displays is creating a positive market outlook. These materials are recyclable and use sustainable inks, which helps in reducing the environmental impact of outdoor advertising campaigns. Apart from this, the shift towards more energy-efficient lighting systems for billboards, such as LED technology is augmenting the market growth. LED lights consume less energy and have a longer lifespan, reducing operational costs and carbon emissions.
Data-driven targeting and personalization
Data-driven targeting and personalization are transforming the outdoor advertising landscape by allowing advertisers to tailor their messages to specific audiences. Additionally, many advertisers are increasingly using data analytics to segment their target audience based on factors like demographics, behavior, and location. Apart from this, the integration of big data analytics in outdoor advertising is allowing advertisers to tap into vast datasets to refine their targeting strategies and support precise ad placement in areas with high foot traffic and consumer relevance. Furthermore, the rising adoption of digital billboards to change ad content in real-time based on factors like weather conditions, time of day, and audience demographics is positively influencing the market.
Outdoor Advertising Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global outdoor advertising market report, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on type and segment.
Breakup by Type:
Outdoor Advertising Market
• Traditional Outdoor Advertising
• Digital Outdoor Advertising
The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes traditional outdoor advertising and digital outdoor advertising.
Traditional outdoor advertising encompasses conventional forms of outdoor ad displays that have been a staple in the industry for decades. This category includes static billboards, transit ads, posters, and physical street furniture ads. These ads typically rely on printed graphics and are static in nature, meaning their content remains fixed until manually replaced.
Digital advertising includes digital billboards, electronic transit displays, and interactive street furniture ads. These ads leverage digital screens and technologies to deliver dynamic and interactive content. Additionally, it provides flexibility, which enables advertisers to create highly engaging and contextually relevant campaigns. Apart from this, it aligns well with the evolving expectations of consumers for more interactive and personalized advertising experiences.
Breakup by Segment:
• Billboard Advertising
• Transport Advertising
• Street Furniture Advertising
• Others
Billboard advertising dominates the market
A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the segment has also been provided in the report. This includes billboard advertising, transport advertising, street furniture advertising, and others.
Billboard advertising involves large, eye-catching displays that are strategically placed along highways, major roads, and urban areas to capture the attention of a broad audience. Billboard ads are highly visible and serve as effective branding tools, conveying messages and promotions to commuters and pedestrians alike. Apart from this, they are non-intrusive, allowing consumers to engage with advertising messages at their own discretion. Furthermore, they offer a cost-effective solution as they require a one-time production cost and ongoing rental fees, which makes them a more budget-friendly choice for advertisers. Furthermore, the development of advanced tools like geolocation data and traffic patterns analysis provides advertisers with valuable insights into the reach and impact of their billboard campaigns.
Breakup by Region:
Outdoor Advertising Market
• Asia
• China
• Japan
• India
• South Korea
• Others
• Australasia
• Australia
• New Zealand
• Others
• Europe
• Germany
• France
• United Kingdom
• Italy
• Spain
• Russia
• Others
• Latin America
• Brazil
• Mexico
• Others
• Middle East and Africa
• Saudi Arabia
• Egypt
• South Africa
• Others
Asia exhibits a clear dominance, accounting for the largest outdoor advertising market share
The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include Asia (China, Japan, India, South Korea, and others); Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and others) According to the report, Asia accounted for the largest market share as the region is home to a vast and diverse population, comprising numerous countries with varying cultures, languages, and demographics. This diversity provides lucrative opportunities to target a wide array of consumer segments through billboards, transit ads, and street furniture advertising. Additionally, rapid urbanization, increasing population, and the reliance on public and sharing commute are strengthening the growth of the market. Apart from this, many companies in the Asia Pacific region are utilizing outdoor advertising to drive online traffic and sales. Moreover, governing authorities of various countries in the region are providing support through investments in infrastructure, transportation networks, and public spaces.
Competitive Landscape:
Outdoor advertising companies are emphasizing eco-friendly advertising solutions, such as using sustainable materials for billboards and adopting energy-efficient lighting. Apart from this, they are focusing on location scouting and research to identify high-traffic areas and key demographics for optimal ad placement. Furthermore, they are developing innovative ways to engage the audience, such as QR code integration, social media integration, and mobile apps for interactive experiences. Moreover, they are adopting new technologies like augmented reality (AR) and location-based targeting to enhance the impact of outdoor advertising. Besides this, they are forming strategic collaborations with property owners, municipalities, and transportation companies to secure prime advertising locations and ensure compliance with local regulations.
The report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided.
Key Questions Answered in This Report
1.How big is the outdoor advertising market?
2.What is the future outlook of the outdoor advertising market?
3.What are the key factors driving the outdoor advertising market?
4.Which region accounts for the largest outdoor advertising market share?